
White Lightning

Manufacturer: APS

White Lightning provides a jolt of jitter free energy, and is one of the few fat burners on the market to contain fat loss powerhouse DMAA or 1,3 Dimethylamylamine. 

Most Powerful Fat Burner on The Market

White Lightning is one of the premier DMAA based fat burners on the market. What makes White Lightning so good? It's proprietary 515mg Geranaburn blend contains some of the most powerful weight loss aids available today. APS Nutrition is famous for making high quality supplements that just plain work. White lightning continues that tradition with a no-nonsense 3 ingredient blend that is sure to boost energy, aid in weight loss, and improve focus.

1,3 Dimethylamylamine - The king of modern weight loss aids, the use of DMAA has been discontinued by most supplement companies due to pressure from the FDA. 1,3 Dimethylamylamine is the most potent energy booster and appetite suppressant produced since Ephedra, and is only available in a handful of supplements.

Naringin - Active in grapefruit juice, Naringin increases the bioavailability of nutrients, and supplements. Basically Naringin will increase the effectiveness of any supplements taken with it.