
OxyElite Pro

Manufacturer: USP Labs

USP labs is characterized by the fact that the supplements that are released on the market in a short time become bestsellers. USP OxyElite Pro is one of the best-functioning supplements supporting fat burning.

Super Thermo! Clinically Reviewed And Scientifically Formulated!

"The Exercise Stim" activates key fat burning/anti-catabolic receptor while supporting vasodilation! No other compound in existence is believed to have all three of these features!

Triple "plus" fat-burning pathway targeting Beta-2 & Alpha-2 receptor (i.e. trouble spots) with additional PKA & T3/T4 targeting to enhance experience!

Did you know there are two kinds of fat?

  1. Visceral Fat - Fat that covers your organs. Its primary function is organ protection.
  2. Subcutaneous fat - Fat that covers your muscles. Excess subcutaneous fat makes you look soft, smooth & bloated.

When it comes to improving how you look, subcutaneous fat is of primary concern because it is the fat that's just below your skin. It covers your abs and hides your muscles...

How much subcutaneous fat you have means the difference between looking shredded or looking like you own stock in a donut house.

Why Is The Last Place To Lose Fat The First Place To Gain Fat?
It doesn't seem fair, but unfortunately it's true...It may be your stomach, love handles, or thighs... Fat sticks to these areas like Super Glue® and hangs on for dear life... Why does this happen?

Your Body Fat is Being Held Hostage
It's called the Alpha-2 receptor - and, if fat loss is your goal - it's your absolute worst enemy...
If the Alpha-2 receptor wants you to store fat, you're going to store fat - and lots of it - in the worst possible places...
The Alpha-2 receptor is responsible for inhibiting lipolysis - which basically means it allows the body to store fat AND prevents the body from burning fat...

In Other Words, The Alpha-2 Receptor Is Holding Your Fat Hostage & Refusing To Let Go!
When the Alpha-2 receptor is activated, these areas are in "lock-down" - unable to burn fat and storing it like a bear preparing for hibernation...A key compound in OxyElite Pro has been suggested to help block the Alpha-2 receptor in animal and human tissue."