
Insane Labz Vampire

Manufacturer: Insane Labz

Vampire® contains only the best ingredients to help you lose weight by including Advantra Z®.

Vampire® contains only the best ingredients to help you lose weight by including Advantra Z®. Patent Advantra Z® is the only extract of bitter orange or other citrus, used to support weight loss and increase the performance of your sports results, now available on the North American market. When Zhishin LLC has patents in the US and Canada, Nutratech is a unique, global license issuing company for Advantra Z®. American patents refer to the use of bitter orange or other citrus extracts to (and not only):

  • stimulation of thermogenesis
  • weight reduction
  • increase in lean muscle mass in relation to total body weight
  • improving sports performance
  • suppressing the appetite

In addition, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office has granted a patent relating to the regulation of appetite, body weight and sports functions with ingredients derived from citrus cultivars. Other US, Canadian and international patents are being awarded. It is possible that "quality" is the most overused word in the world. However, what could be more important for ingredients like Advantra Z®, which is one of the most popular diet and sports supplements on the market? For this reason, Nutratech has conducted several quality control tests on the Advantra Z® product in terms of the authenticity, power and purity of ingredients.

dosage: 2 capsules daily with meals