


German PH GW was developed primarily for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. It increases the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin, thanks to which we achieve a full figure, beaten, hard muscles with a great definition, at the same time constantly lowering the level of fat in the body.

German PH GW [Cardarine] has been developed primarily for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. It increases the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin, thanks to which we achieve a full figure, beaten, hard muscles with a great definition, at the same time constantly lowering the level of fat in the body. It owes its effectiveness to extremely wide and multidirectional mechanisms of action. It is, among others, a PPAR-Beta modulator, activates protein kinase and improves glucose absorption by skeletal muscles, which directly contributes to the use of fats as a source of energy. This leads to an effective recomposition of the body composition and instant visual effects.

German PH GW

  • increases the energy level,
  • facilitates weight control in pre-start periods,
  • increases the body's endurance level,
  • increases the level of glucose tolerance,
  • helps to lose unnecessary kilograms,
  • allows heavier and longer workouts,
  • catabolism does not occur.