Brawn Trest is a 19Nor hormone, making it a nandrolone derivative and thus similar to tren. The difference between trenbolone and trest is this: Tren does not aromatize while Trest does. Aromatizing occurs when the hormone is converted into estrogen in the body. This is good and bad. The good news is that this means increased GH and IGF production and extra strength.
Contrary to popular belief, this can also help with libido problems commonly associated with nandrolone-based hormones. The bad news is that estrogen related side effects such as gyno and water retention are more likely to occur. On paper, trestolone is WAY stronger than testosterone. Its androgenic and estrogenic character will be similar to those of Tren and Deca, but it’s muscle building hypertrophic ability should be higher than both of the latter.
Directions: 2-3 caps per day for a maxiumum of 60 days